Friday 2 July 2010

The Zeros at the El Mocambo NXNE 2010 Saturday

y, originally uploaded by Eddie Smith.

Hector Penalosa, Baba Chenel, Mrio and Javier Escavado
back stage after the show.
Great band (see previous posted video)
Visit the zeros on myspace and on facebook

and click through above to see the rest of the set.

The Diodes @ Sound of Music Fest Burlindton

On Saturday after little sleep (see the Dolls post) I raced out of town to catch 2 sets at sound of music fest. Opening were Toronto's own first Gen punks (responsible for running the Crash and Burn, the short lived first punk club in toronto). The Diodes got a great response from the crowd a large number of whom remembered their "hits" like I'm tired of waking up tires, Red rubber ball etc. Great show and likely the last time we'll see them for some time with Paul Robinson (pictured) and John Catto both living in London
Click through for the rest of the pics, and visit the diodes on myspace

Mudhoney @ Yonge Dundas Square NXNE 2010

On Thursday at NXNE Mudhoney opened for X. 45 minutes of no stop punk that showed why they are truly the inspiration for the seattle scene that emerged. click through to my Flickr for the rest

Saturday 26 June 2010

Comanechi - Death Of You @ the Silver Dollar NXNE 2010

Last show and last song for for me to see at NXNE 2010. I had headed off to see man or astroman in a secret show that the time had been mistweeted (several times no less) on and managed to make it back for just a couple of tunes. Damn i wish i'd seen more. Keex is a killer drummer,and crazy frontwoman. Noisy loud in your face they represent the best of live shows in small venues. Hopefully I'll get to catch them later this year in London If not maybe they will do a return engagement

New York Dolls Saturday @ Sound of Music Fest

Saturday June 19th was a crazy day. Last day of NXNE, free shows by the Raveonettes, Iggy and the Stooges, The Zeros at the elmo, Comanechi at the silver dollar.... but to make it even better My friend Lou Molinaro booked the New York Dolls into the Burlington Sound Of Music Fest . As much as I needed Sleep, photo editing time, food coffee, i couldn't miss this so after 6 hours sleep i got in the car and headed to hamilton to see old friends the diodes open the show and then catch the dolls for the third time since they reformed. I have to say this was the best time i've seen them since the 70's. Syl and David were Playful joking around. they seemed generally delighted to be on the waters edge in a small town playing to a good size crowd . The weather was Sunny and HOT (thank god for the water side stage), I loved the show and finally got breakfast (a pulled pork sandwich) at 5pm when it was over then raced back to Toronto

X @ Yonge Dundas Square Thursday NXNE 2010

Billy Zoom from X
Show at Dundas Square as part of NXNE 2010
Billy plays the most difficult licks and makes it look simple, how hard they are to replicate get's him steady studio work from people wanting to cover X and finding out they are punching over their weight
Probably in my top 3 guitarists
nice amps too if you can afford it and convince him to build you one

Find out more about BillyZoom

Friday 25 June 2010

The Zeros @ the El Mocambo NXNE 2010

First Video I ever shot last Saturday at NXNE. First Gen 76 punks the Zeros from Chula Vista played the Toronto's legendary El Mocambo (yep the place the stones played when these guys were starting out) Frequently called the Mexican Ramones they actually predate the Ramones and are more truly the mexican heartbreakers. Great guys, Robert from the band now performs as ElVez (definitely worth seeing) unfortunately he was out on tour with ElVez and missed this gig. Search them out I guarantee you'll like them. And this would give a good idea of the music that has shaped my life and taste in music. Sound is a little distorted (I shot really wide and was right over Mario's monitor live and learn)

Time to Start My Own Blog

I've been thinking about this for a while now, and though i still want to do a website this looks like a good interim step. Mostly this will be a photo blog, primarily it will be about music, but not exclusively
I have shot for others covering music for a few years now and it's time to put out my own site
While you wait for me to get things rolling why don't you check out my Flickr page there's lots to look at