Friday 2 July 2010

The Zeros at the El Mocambo NXNE 2010 Saturday

y, originally uploaded by Eddie Smith.

Hector Penalosa, Baba Chenel, Mrio and Javier Escavado
back stage after the show.
Great band (see previous posted video)
Visit the zeros on myspace and on facebook

and click through above to see the rest of the set.

The Diodes @ Sound of Music Fest Burlindton

On Saturday after little sleep (see the Dolls post) I raced out of town to catch 2 sets at sound of music fest. Opening were Toronto's own first Gen punks (responsible for running the Crash and Burn, the short lived first punk club in toronto). The Diodes got a great response from the crowd a large number of whom remembered their "hits" like I'm tired of waking up tires, Red rubber ball etc. Great show and likely the last time we'll see them for some time with Paul Robinson (pictured) and John Catto both living in London
Click through for the rest of the pics, and visit the diodes on myspace

Mudhoney @ Yonge Dundas Square NXNE 2010

On Thursday at NXNE Mudhoney opened for X. 45 minutes of no stop punk that showed why they are truly the inspiration for the seattle scene that emerged. click through to my Flickr for the rest